St. Louis Parish RE

Youth Faith Formation/RE
Little Church
Little Church is a time for children ages 3 until 1st communion prep to learn about the Bible stories is there own words. It is held during 8:30 or 10:00 Mass every Sunday from September through Lent. Every sunday your child has an opportunity to meet new children and learn about that Sundays Gospel in a fun and engaging two way conversation with the teacher, teachers helpers and a fun craft.
Grade School
Religious Education classes will be held at St. Louis Parish Center. Changes in the schedule will be noted in the bulletin and on the Parish Calendar. G.I.F.T. Nights are scheduled class nights.
Grades 1-5 Wednesday 6:00 - 7:30 P.M.
Grades 6-11 Wednesday 7:15 - 8:45 P.M.